North Lake

North Lake, Western Australia, 6163

  ranked 125 in all 292 suburbs of Perth
Aggregate Data of North Lake
Postal code: 6163 (Suburbs with the same postal code:
Bibra Lake
Hamilton Hill
Overall rating: 8.8, ranked 125 in all 292 suburbs of Perth
Population: 1263, ranked 234 in all 292 suburbs of Perth
Measurement: 1.1729 km2 , ranked 276 in all 292 suburbs of Perth
Population density: 1076.82 person/km2
Distance to CBD: 14.6 km
Average level of education: 11.26 years , ranked 81 in all 292 suburbs of Perth
Median yearly personal income: 39312 AUD , ranked 77 in all 292 suburbs of Perth
Median weekly personal income: 756 AUD , ranked 77 in all 292 suburbs of Perth
Median weekly family income: 2259 AUD , ranked 53 in all 292 suburbs of Perth
Median weekly household income: 2078 AUD , ranked 30 in all 292 suburbs of Perth
Attraction near North Lake
Adventure World
North Lake suburbs nearby
Murdoch 6150
Leeming 6149
Kardinya 6163
Coolbellup 6163
Bibra Lake 6163
Bateman 6150
Winthrop 6150
Samson 6163
South Lake 6164
Updated: 2019-05-15 13:04:21